Suzuki Motonobu (鈴木元信)

Motonobu SUZUKI (1555 - June 1620) was a retainer of the Date clan.
He was popularly known as Shichiemon
His rank was: Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade)
Governor of Izumi Province.

It is also said that he participated in the Saika coalition during the Tensho era. Through a chance meeting with Masamune DATE at a tea ceremony in Kyoto, Motonobu became a retainer. Possessing first-rate administrational and financial abilities, he was profoundly trusted by Masamune, paid a stipend of 1500 koku and given Furukawa-jo Castle and when Masamune was absent from Sendai he looked after province affairs.

With Masamune gaining power, Motonobu had dreams of a shogunate lead by Date and prepared a 'constitution' with Articles to be used when Masamune grasped power. However, just prior to his death in 1620, he already realized that Masamune would not hold power and it is said he burnt all the documents.

[Original Japanese]